SEO friendly blogs PART-10 the last and final blog

Divyendra Rajawat
2 min readMar 29, 2020

I know that this series of blogs have been so long so, it’s the time to end this series the last and final blog of the series.

Optimize your images and other media elements

Images, graphs, infographics, videos, statistics, and other media elements, make a blog post more interesting to read and enhance the quality of the content.

Although Google has made it clear that they cannot yet understand the context of an image or video (while crawling a page), yet many webmasters fail to follow the rules of making their images SEO optimized.

All it takes is to use meaningful file names and a human-friendly ALT TEXT.

For example, if you are publishing an image that shows the SEO statistics for 2020 don’t name the image as img001.jpg but rename it to something more meaningful i.e. seo-statistics-2020.jpg.

For the ALT TEXT, don’t leave it blank but write a few words that describe the image i.e. SEO Statistics 2020.

Hint: The ALT Text of an image is another opportunity to use related keywords in your blog post.

Bonus Tip: Keep your content up-to-date

A lot of people are asking in various forums “How often you I update my blog?” and “Is content freshness a ranking factor?”, and I can understand the reason.

It would be great if someone told you that you don’t have to update your blog regularly, that would make things a lot easier for all of us but unfortunately, that’s not the case.

You need to have fresh content on your blog for a number of reasons.

  • It will increase the number of pages you have in the Google index. This makes your website and domain stronger.
  • It’s another incentive for users to come back to your blog.
  • It’s a great ‘excuse’ to get in touch with your subscribers.
  • It’s one of the ways to stay in synch or bypass your competitors.
  • It will help you improve your writing skills
  • It can generate more page views

